Journal Publications

Coming Soon

Xiao, J., Exploring the Role of Reciprocity and Connectivist Interaction Engagement Levels in cMOOCs: An Automated Relational Event Modeling Approach.

Xiao, J., Enhancing Social and Cognitive Presence in cMOOC forums: The Role of Pedagogical Conversational Agents.

Tian, Y., & Xiao, J. , The Measurement and Characteristic Analysis of Learner Interaction Levels in cMOOCs Based on Path Analysis.

Wang, C., & Xiao, J. , A Role Recognition Model Based on Students’ Social-Behavioral-Cognitive-Emotional attributes during Collaborative Learning.

Wang, C., Xu, Y., & Xiao, J., Who Will be the Group Leader in Open Collaborative Problem Solving? Analysis Based on the Structural Hole Theory.

Bai, Y., Chen, L., Zhou, X., Xiao, J., & He, X. The Evolution of cMOOC Learners’ Resource Use Behaviour.

Kong X., Fang H., Chen W., Xiao, J., & Zhang M. Examing Human-AI Collaboration in Hybrid Intelligence Learning Environments: Insight from the Synergy Degree Model.


Wang, C., & Xiao, J. (2023). Who will participate in online collaborative problem solving? A longitudinal network analysis. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI Q1), 1–18.


王东华, 张翼然, 肖建军, 王小凯, & 徐亚倩. (2022). 联通主义学习路径与学习者发展. 开放学习研究, 27(05), 27-33+42.

Bai, Y.-Q., Xu, Y.-Q., & Xiao, J. (2022). The influencing factors of interaction and perceived value of cMOOC learners. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI Q1), 1–16.

徐亚倩, 陈丽, & 肖建军 (2022). 联通主义在线课程设计策略研究——基于五轮cMOOC设计迭代. 中国远程教育 (CSSCI), 06, 67–75.


Bai, Y.-Q., & Xiao, J. (2021). The impact of cMOOC learners’ interaction on content production. Interactive Learning Environments (SSCI Q1), 1–12.

Conference Papers/Reports


Xiao, J. (2024). Automatic Assessment of Social and Cognitive Presence to Promote Meaningful Collaboration between cMOOC Learners and GPT-Driven Agents. The Asian Students’ Seminar & Round Table 2024. Kansai University, Osaka, Japan. (Young Scholar Award)


肖建军 (2023). 自动评估cMOOC学习者与AI模型GPT-3的有意义交互. 第五届讯飞智能教育论坛 - 博士生分论坛, 合肥, 中国, (链接).


Xiao, J. (2022). Leveraging the development of social capital in a cMOOC through learner-learner interaction: A longitudinal network analysis. The Asian Students’ Seminar & Round Table 2022. South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China.

Academic Thesis


Xiao, J. (2023). Design and Application Verification of Learning Partner Recommendation Strategy Based on Attention Network in Connectivist Learning Process. Master of Science in Educational Technology, Beijing Normal University, Beijing, China.


Xiao, J. (2018). Application and validation of 3D printing technology in STEM education. Bachelor of Education in Educational Technology, Linyi University, Shandong, China.

Academic Projects

Project Recipient
2023 - 2024

Research on Automatic Assessment and Improvement Path of cMOOC Learners’ Interaction Level Based on Dual Networks, Project of Interdisciplinary Research Foundation for Doctoral Candidates of Beijing Normal University (Grant No. BNUXKJC2305).

Project Participant
2023 - 2025

Social-Behavioural-Cognitive-Emotional Based Analysis and Intervention Study of Online Collaborative Role Interaction, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) 2022 Young Science Fund Project (Grant No. 62207003).

2019 - 2023

Research on Educational Reform and Innovative Management in the Era of “Internet Plus”, Key Project of the Department of Management of the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71834002).

2022.03 - 2022.04

China’s Model and Promotion Path of Education Modernisation Driven by Education Informatisation, Project entrusted by the Secretariat Bureau of the Central Education Work Leading Group.

Academic Services

Teaching Assistants

2021.09 - 2022.01, Teaching Assistant for the course “Data Management and Analysis” (35 Students) Undergraduate Public Restricted Courses at Beijing Normal University.


2021 -, Reviewer for the journal Interactive Learning Environments.

Notes: † = Corresponding author, ☨ = Oral Presentation