Software development

  • AICodingOffier (AICO) - AICO is a state-of-the-art AI coding assistant designed to boost the efficiency of text encoding. This app is built on pyqt6 and works on Windows, macOS and Linux.

  • cMOOC Platform - cMOOC Platform is an online learning platform that supports connectivist MOOCs (cMOOCs). It is the first community-based online cMOOC support platform and has served a total of 16,712 users (as of August 2023), and has been well-received by users and has seen lots of community activity. I joined the project in 2019 and was responsible for platform design and leading platform development. I finished the platform requirements analysis, functional design prototype and iterative development based on the WordPress framework.

Chrome Extension

WeChat miniprogram
  • Mini cMOOC Platform - cMOOC platform miniprogram.

  • 智慧线学习分析系统 - A real-time feedback questionnaire and analysis system.

  • RCDEALLRUN - A WeChat miniprogram for punch card management.


Plugin of Large Language Model
  • Spark Shopping - Large Language Models for Your Shopping. iFLYTEK Spark Training Camp (2023.08, 🥉), General Artificial Intelligence Innovation and Application Competition (2023.11, 🥉), Hefei, China. (LINK)